Medical Test Kit and Diagnostics

Who is DTXi Asia?

DTXi Asia is a forward-thinking company dedicated to the provision of diagnostic test kits that epitomize the pinnacle of quality and precision. Situated in Tangerang, Banten, the company specializes in the wholesale trade of durable goods, with a particular emphasis on professional and commercial equipment. They also have expertise in the sales and repair of medical-surgical equipment.

Furthermore, DTXi Asia is not just content with their current offerings. They are perpetually engaged in rigorous research and development, ensuring that their product range is ever-evolving. Their commitment to medical innovation is unwavering, and their vision is expansive. The company also offers a 24/7 live chat support feature, allowing customers to engage directly with professionals for any queries or guidance.

Biggest Challange

The most formidable challenge in crafting the DTXi Asia website was the incredibly tight deadline. Technically, we dedicated a full 22 hours straight to bring the website to life. The comprehensive data provided by the client, coupled with their proactive communication, was instrumental in our ability to complete the project in such a short span. In this initial phase, our primary focus was on content, laying out a flexible website structure for future needs, ensuring visibility, compatibility across multiple devices, and infusing product knowledge—all within a constrained timeframe.

  • Product Detailing: The site offers a range of diagnostic kits, each requiring accurate and detailed descriptions. Ensuring that each product’s information is correct and clearly presented would be crucial.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensuring the website is optimized for various devices within the limited time would be a task, given the importance of mobile compatibility.
  • SEO Considerations: While the basic structure is in place, optimizing the site for search engines in such a short span can be challenging.
  • Future-Proofing: The website seems designed with future expansions in mind. Creating a flexible structure that can accommodate more content or features later would be a thoughtful challenge.

In essence, the rapid development of the DTXi Asia website would have demanded a blend of swift action, technical expertise, and strategic foresight.



Client Mission


Website Redesign


Day Turnaround


SEO Result

Urgency Needed

Created less than 24 hours


Tight Deadline:

The most evident challenge would be the time constraint. Building a functional and aesthetically pleasing website in less than 24 hours requires efficient planning, quick decision-making, and streamlined execution.

Rebuilt in a Day From Scratch

For a website developed in less than 24 hours, DTXi Asia’s platform is a commendable effort. It serves its primary purpose of informing visitors about the company and its products. However, as with any rapidly developed project, there are areas for refinement. It would be beneficial to invest time in user testing, gathering feedback, and making iterative improvements. This approach will not only enhance the user experience but also ensure the website aligns more closely with business objectives and user needs.

DTXi Asia
  • Multi Gadget Compatible 100% 100%
  • Website Traffic 10% 10%
  • Search Engine Crawled 0% 0%
  • SEO Development 30% 30%
  • Maintenance 0% 0%


DTXi Asia is dedicated to providing diagnostic test kits that exemplify high quality and precision. They are currently refining their platform and will soon unveil their innovative DTXi Test Kit Products.

The company is based in Tangerang, Banten, and specializes in the wholesale trade of durable goods, particularly professional and commercial equipment. They also deal in medical-surgical equipment sales and repair.

Enter the DTXi IFU DOA-6 Saliva Test – a beacon of innovation in the realm of drug testing.

Imagine a world where medical professionals can swiftly diagnose and treat potential drug overdoses, where employers can ensure a safe and productive environment, and where law enforcement can act with precision and confidence. This is the world DTXi.asia envisions, and with the DOA-6 Saliva Test Kit, it’s a reality we’re crafting.

Website History

Showing you the timeline of website development and revision. To see how is the development, and what we do during the time to time.

The Beginning - August 10th, 2023 at 01.30

Our client reached out to us at 00:09 WITA with an urgent request, emphasizing the immediate need for a website dedicated to a product they were developing. Given the pressing nature of this request, we prioritized open communication to gather as much data as possible to facilitate the construction of the DTXi website.

In real-time, as our discussions progressed, Mrs. Dina, our esteemed client, took proactive measures to set up hosting and domain services. We provided initial insights regarding domain name competition and availability. After careful consideration, it was decided to utilize the domain www.dxti.asia, as the extensions ‘.com’ and ‘.id’ were already reserved by domain resellers.

Parallel Development to Expedite the Process

Upon receiving the Hpanel login credentials for the hosting and domain prepared by our client, we immediately embarked on multiple parallel processes to maximize efficiency and minimize delays. Initially, we had projected a timeline extending to the weekend (roughly 72 hours) for the website’s development.

However, by the grace of the Divine Providence, several aspects that typically require extended durations and support from the hosting provider, www.niagahoster.co.id, were streamlined. The propagation process, in particular, was notably swift. The Hpanel, a new product from www.niagahoster.co.id, proved invaluable in facilitating our preparatory work.

Equally crucial was the auxiliary data provided by our client. Comprehensive product details, online references, and logo and product images expedited the development process, even though our client was based in the distant locale of DKI Jakarta.

Update Pages - Until Today

The website is still under development but we keep the website live.

SEO History

Showing you the timeline of website development and revision. To see how is the development, and what we do during the time to time.

Web Development and SEO Considerations

For the www.dtxi.asia project, our approach deviated slightly from the norm. Several procedural steps were momentarily bypassed to expedite the website’s launch. However, it’s essential to note that these steps weren’t neglected; they were merely deferred for subsequent attention once the website was operational.

SEO considerations remained at the forefront of our strategy. As a result, our content creation process was meticulously crafted, ensuring compatibility with SEO platforms and future SERP integrations. While images weren’t our primary focus, and we initially utilized the provided visuals as-is, our main emphasis was on future-proofing. We aimed to design the website to seamlessly accommodate DTXi Asia’s evolving development needs. To this end, we implemented a range of flexible structures in anticipation of future requirements.

Focus on DXTi DOA-6 Saliva Test Product

In alignment with our client’s request, our primary attention was directed towards the newly launched product. However, we’ve established a flexible framework poised to facilitate subsequent developments.

Our emphasis was predominantly on the product knowledge of the DXTi Drug of Abuse (DOA) 6 Saliva Test.

As evident in the initial stage, several links on the www.DXTi.asia website are strategically directed towards the detailed product page of the DXTi Drug of Abuse (DOA) 6 Saliva Test. We hope that this design choice ensures the product page is easily accessible and shareable, both directly and across social media platforms. Moving forward, our focus will pivot toward optimizing the SEO for this product page as a foundational step.


Jalan Padangtawang Gang V/4, Padangtawang, Canggu, Bali

(+62) 819-1800-6667
